Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gracie is 3 months old!!!

On January 4th, Gracie turned 3 months old. I can't believe how time flies. She is the BEST baby ever, I'm not even kidding. She barely knows how to cry and is such a great night time sleeper. She loves to play, giggle, and babble. We are so thankful to have Gracie in our lives!


  1. I can't even believe what a doll she is. She is setting pretty good in the chair. I can't wait to get there and see her.
    LUV Grandma Sherry

  2. Paige, she is absolutely the cutest thing ever! Her Aunt Mel really needs to see her!!! Thank you for her message today! I will call you when I get a minute to actually breath!

    I love you tons!!!!

  3. She is SUPER cute. Time flies. Tomorrow she'll turn one and you won't know what happened!

  4. She looks so cute in the bumbo! Like a tiny baby doll.
